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- Get real results
- Make solid progress
Live coaching & support
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10 Days of Coaching:
- Specific exercises for rapid results
Most runners would avoid injury and improve performance by adding some specific exercises and natural running practices into their routine. Learn how to run with ease and flow in this free challenge.
- Optimal solutions for solid progress
In this challenge you can learn how to apply healthy habits and powerful practices that will transform your running and overall lifestyle for the better.
- Live coaching & support
In addition to the daily exercises, you'll have guidance through a support group, with me as your coach to answer any of your questions.
Who am I and why should you listen to me?
Hey, I'm Chris!
I'm a mountain running adventurer, PT, running coach & yoga teacher who has spent most of my life exploring the limits of human potential.
I've been successfully coaching people over the past several years, using unique methods that you've probably never seen before.
My goal is to help you reach your true potential!
We can all feel alive and thrive!
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